Infodat can help your organization be more competitive, improve performance by 25% or more and reduce costs by upgrading you to SQL Server 2016.

SQL Server 2016 delivers breakthrough mission-critical capabilities with in-memory performance and operational analytics built-in. Comprehensive security features help protect your data at rest and in motion and a world-class high availability and disaster recovery solution adds new enhancements. You will have new capabilities to perform advanced analytics directly within databases and present rich visualizations for business insights on any device.

Infodat’s solution gets your organization’s SQL Servers modernized and lets you reap the benefits of SQL Server 2016.

Powerful New Features and Performance Gains

Always Encrypted:
Help protect data at rest & in motion with no application changes required

Row Level Security:
Apply fine-grained access control to table rows based on users’ rights

Stretch Database:
Stretch cold data in a secure manner into Azure for cost-effective historic data availability

Query Store:
Monitor and optimize query plans with full history of query execution

Enhanced Backup to Azure:
Faster restore and 50% reduction in storage, support large DBs with Block blobs and customer backup schedule with local staging

Dynamic Data Masking:
Real-time obfuscation of query results based on user permissions

Operational Analytics:
Insights on operational data, works with in-memory OLTP or on disk

In-memory OLTP enhancements:
Greater T-SQL surface area, terabytes of memory supported and greater number of parallel CPUs

Parsing & storing of JSON as relational data & exporting relational data to JSON

Temporal Database:
Keep a full history of data changes and allow easy point-in-time analysis

Mobile BI:
Business insights for your on-premises data through rich visualizations on mobile devices with native apps for Windows, iOS and Android

Enhanced Reporting Services:
Modern, paginated reports with rich visualizations for consumption on modern browsers and mobile devices

Built-in Advanced Analytics:
Enterprise grade R where ever your data lives. Build intelligent apps that help you discover insights, predict results and make decisions

Consistent Experience:
From on-premises to Azure IaaS and PaaS

Enterprise-scale Analysis Services:
Enhanced tabular capabilities for easier modeling of complex business data and optimized in-memory technology to gain faster business intelligence from your data

BI with DirectQuery:
Connect Excel, Power BI or other visualization tools to rich semantic SQL Server Analysis Services models. Retrieve up-to-date data directly from the relational data source using DirectQuery mode

Enhanced SSIS:
Designer support for previous SSIS versions & support for Power Query

Query and join data from multiple sources using simple T-SQL commands

SQL Server 2016 Modernization Process


We assess of the current state of your organization’s SQL Server Environment including data warehousing, applications, web services, feeds, reporting environments, backup, disaster recovery, and data governance.


We will work with you to develop a desired future state. We will identify areas to gain performance, utilize new functionality and decrease costs. Candidates for cloud migration are identified.


We will migrate your existing SQL ecosystem to the desired SQL 2016 configuration.  This can include data migration to new servers, updates to ETL processes, disaster recovery updates, etc.


We will develop and execute a test plan to validate that the future state meets the mutually agreed upon  requirements for performance and functionality.


The new SQL ecosystem is put into production with the old environment running in parallel for a mutually agreed upon period of time.


We will work with you to monitor the new environment for any functional or performance issues.  We will also help you identify if any opportunities for reducing cost and improving performance arise.

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